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Wow, a second year as Europe's best workplace. We are very honored, and also proud of what we've accomplished so far.
Since last year's win, we've put in a ton of work in improving work life. I was recently asked what areas we've focused on, and I couldn't really give an answer – our work has been trying to take the company forward as a whole. Optimizing subsystems instead of the whole often has negative results.
One trait that is deeply rooted in Futurice's DNA is the need to constantly improve everything we do, including how we organize our work. We firmly believe that improving work life is critical for our future – not just for us as a company, but for us as a society. Society needs to be made up of people who are motivated, who don't burn out from work and who lead a meaningful, balanced life.
We also noticed that many of the values that are present in companies that champion a healthy work life are also present in the daily lives of Finnish (and other Nordic country) citizens. Values such as trust, transparency and low hierarchy feel very natural with Finns. This nearly seems like a competitive advantage for us.
As I've said before, we strongly believe that the best overall results are achieved when you share what you learn. We've been trying to do this, but this fall, we'll be taking it one step further. After the summer, my job will consist mostly of sharing. Our goal will be to challenge all other companies – especially in Finland – who have some work life insight to join us in sharing their culture and practices. The only way we can improve work life on a societal level is by improving en masse.
However, now we're off for our (well-earned) summer holidays, and will return in full force in August and September. We'll share the details at that point. Join us then!
- Hanno NevanlinnaDirector of Culture, Service Innovation Coach